As you might have noticed there are different statuses for tickets on DelightChat. Each status mean something and what you should derive from it. Let's dive in.

1) Unassigned - The unassigned state indicates that a customer support ticket has come in but nobody from your team is assigned to it.
2) Assigned - Once you assign someone from your team (or yourself) to an unassigned ticket, it shifts its status from Unassigned to Assigned. This means that you can view your assigned ticket in the Assigned tab.
3) Closed - Once you have resolved the ticket and closed it, it lands in the Closed tab. You can always reopen a closed ticket, in which case it will go back to Assigned (provided you had already assigned someone in the first place).
4) Archived - We don't have a ticket deleting feature on DelightChat. Instead, we ask you to Archive those tickets so that you can always refer them in case you need it. Same as above, if you reopen an archived ticket, it will go back to the Assigned/Unassigned tab depending on whether it was assigned to someone or not.