Winback campaigns are a great and low-effort way to engage customers who purchased from you but haven't purchased again for X days.
Using DelightChat, you can easily setup such a campaign and define the X time period as 30, 45, 60 days or anything of your choosing.
For example, if you sell fresh produce or groceries, the delay could be 7-10 days. If you sell coffee, it can be 30 days.
Here's a 2-minute video on how you can set this up:
Setup a WhatsApp Winback Campaign
In WhatsApp Marketing > Automations, click on [Create New Automation] and select Shopify Events.

(1) Choose Event Trigger
Choose "New Order" as the event.
Leave (2) Entry Condition blank
(3) Exit Condition
Exit condition is checked at the time of sending the message. We can configure a setting and say that if the order properties match these criteria at the time just before sending the message, either send or don't send the message.
In this case, we choose to "don't send" the message if "Customer placed new order".

This simply means that if a customer placed a new order from the time they placed their last order to the time delay configured in this automation (say 30 days), then the message will be skipped.
(4) Configure Message
Set the message sending delay according to your requirements.
We've created a default message template that you can use.

Message template body
Hey {{1}}, how are you doing?
We haven't heard from you in {{2}} days! We would love for you to come back and explore some of our new products & collections.
Get {{3}} when you make your next purchase.
Happy shopping!
Message template buttons - CTA button: Visit website
Choose a website type CTA button. Button text: Shop Now
Include discount
Easily include a discount code that is either created by you, or dynamically generated by DelightChat.

You can configure this discount code to show up in the message template like this.

That's it! Your Winback Campaign on WhatsApp is fully configured.
End note:
Right now, a WhatsApp automation starts from the time you enable the automation. So if you create the campaign shown above, set a delay of 30 days and enable the automation today, the first message will be sent after 30 days from today.
To solve this, DelightChat is building a new feature called Marketing Segments (coming end of June 2022). With Marketing Segments, suppose you create such an automation today, we would start sending messages to customers whose last order was 30 days ago and haven't ordered since from today itself.
Analytics & ROI
DelightChat will keep track of analytics for you. In addition to finding exact message analytics, we keep track of which customer placed an order, how many total orders were generated, and their order value.

And should you want to see the individual order IDs and phone numbers, just download the analytics data.