The Mom Test

The Mom Test

Rob Fitzpatrick has written the most essential book on validating your business ideas correctly and in a way that is practical and will save you time, money, and heartbreak. It's a short book that basically says that you shouldn't ask anyone if your business is a good idea, because it's a bad question and everyone is bound to lie in varying degrees. It's not their responsibility to tell you the truth, but yours to extract it correctly. And this book can teach you how.
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Building a StoryBrand
Building a StoryBrand

Donald Miller offers a proven 7-step framework to create a compelling story for your brand, because reagardless of how good your product is, if you don’t know how to present it to the world, it won’t sell. Read this book to learn how to create a more effective marketing message that sells your brand and product.

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Growth Hacker Marketing

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Marketing Made Simple

In this follow-up book, Don Miller is introducing a five-part sales funnel that helps marketing professions and business owners use the StoryBrand messaging framework more effectively, and to get out of the club of brands that lose money and sales, simply because their customer messaging is not clear about who they are and what value they bring to their customers’ lives.

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Hug Your Haters

Most companies think they deliver great customer service, but only 8 percent consumers agree. With smartphones and social media, haters can now express displeasure faster and more pub­licly than ever. Jay Baer talks about how to deal with the two kinds haters through hilarious examples of haters gone wild, and companies gone crazy, as well as inspirational stories of companies responding with speed, compassion, and humanity.